This work was inspired by Glenn Colley and his presentations at Polishing the Pulpit in 2008 (thank you very much brother and PTP!). Glenn, a faithful gospel preacher and elder for the Lord's church, shared many wonderful ideas on how he has conducted "Pew Packers" classes for children on Sunday nights. Evidently, many congregations have had various classes of this sort for years, but it was a new and exciting idea to us!

The congregation here (in Clinton, IL) began implementing, in late 2008, many of the ideas Glenn shared. We were thrilled with the children's progress (not to mention the fact that the adults were learning too!). There soon became a need to provide parents with a list of the memory drill items that they could use to review with their children. Surprisingly, the domain was available so we snatched it up and started developing this site.

It is our hope that this website will grow to be a wonderful spiritual resource for children and their parents. In addition to posting material pertaining to our Sunday night Pew Packers class, we intend to make other materials available as time permits (e.g., materials suitable for children's Bible classes, home educators, etc.). You are welcome to use any of the materials from this site to the glory of God (in a non-commercial way), although we would certainly appreciate it if you directed others to this site.